Wild Bluebell Seeds

We harvest bluebell seeds by hand, from the ancient bluebell woodlands at Farnell Farm, and then they are dried to the correct moisture content level, as directed by the Millenium Seed Bank at Wakefield Place. Then they are sealed into special foil seed packs, which store the seeds for longevity. We have a licence to sell wild bluebell seeds from DEFRA. Licence number WLF 026233. These seeds are all from our own woods. Only a small percentage of our bluebell seed is harvested for sale.

The British Bluebell

Bluebell Hyacinthoides non-scripta is a perennial herb, and part of the lily family is common to all parts of Britain. Britain has over 40% of the world's bluebell population. The bluebell flowers from April to June growing best in shady broadleaf woodland. There has been a marked decline in bluebell woods since the Second World War because of government grants to grub up woodland and remove hedgerows. Spanish bluebells, with larger flowers than our native plants, have been introduced into our gardens. Spanish bluebells should be removed because they can hybridise with native wild bluebells.

Each foil packet contains the amount of seed needed to seed one square metre of land. Larger amounts of seeds can be supplied for conservation projects. Please e-mail for details.

Order by post

Send a cheque payable to Farnell Farm, stating the number of boxes required, the delivery address and your contact details, to the following address: Farnell Farm, Sandhurst Lane, Rolvenden, Kent, TN17 4PH.

Two Wild Bluebell Seeds Packets (400 Seeds)


Wild Bluebell Seeds BARGAIN PACK (1200 Seeds)


Wild Bluebell Seeds CONSERVATION PACK (6000 Seeds)
